Useful Links

The internet is an unrivaled source of information on everything and anything. We have discovered some interesting websites which you might find of use, in addition to the pet information we provide on our site.

Arran Cat RescueFor rehoming and rescuing cats - Facebook page
Scottish SPCA or SSPCAThe Scottish SPCA is Scotland's animal welfare charity.
PDSAThe PDSA provides free veterinary services for the pets of needy owners in the UK.
International Cat CareInternational Cat Care is a charity which promotes the health and welfare of cats by making the latest information available to vets, cat breeders and owners.
Dogs TrustFounded in 1891, Dogs Trust, formerly known as the NCDL, has always campaigned on dog-welfare related issues to ensure a safe and happy future for our four-legged friends.
PetSaversOne of the few charities concerned with promoting the study of medical and surgical conditions in pets without the use of experimental animals.
Mission RabiesOur aim is to eliminate rabies from the world by 2030.